Internet Info 1994 March
Internet Info CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 1994).iso
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Newsgroups: sci.med,sci.med.occupational,comp.human-factors,sci.answers,comp.answers,news.answers
Path: bloom-beacon.mit.edu!hookup!europa.eng.gtefsd.com!howland.reston.ans.net!newsserver.jvnc.net!nntpserver.pppl.gov!princeton!kastle!dwallach
From: Dan Wallach <dwallach@cs.princeton.edu>
Subject: FAQ: Typing Injuries (1/5): Mods since last month [monthly posting]
Content-Type: text/x-usenet-FAQ;
title="Typing Injury FAQ: (1/5) Changes since last month"
Message-ID: <typing-injury-faq/changes_764035223@cs.princeton.edu>
Followup-To: sci.med.occupational
Summary: what's new and happening with Dan's FAQ and ftp archive
Originator: news@nimaster
Sender: news@Princeton.EDU (USENET News System)
Supersedes: <typing-injury-faq/changes_760848647@cs.princeton.edu>
Nntp-Posting-Host: kastle.princeton.edu
Reply-To: Dan Wallach <dwallach@cs.princeton.edu>
Organization: Princeton University
Date: Sat, 19 Mar 1994 00:00:34 GMT
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Expires: Wed, 27 Apr 1994 00:00:23 GMT
Lines: 80
Xref: bloom-beacon.mit.edu sci.med:36232 sci.med.occupational:1259 comp.human-factors:4983 sci.answers:992 comp.answers:4223 news.answers:16554
Archive-name: typing-injury-faq/changes
Version: $Revision: 1.18 $ $Date: 1994/03/18 23:55:39 $
This FAQ may be cited as:
Wallach, Dan S. (1994) "Typing Injury FAQ: Changes since last
month" Usenet news.answers. Available via anonymous ftp from
rtfm.mit.edu in pub/usenet/news.answers/typing-injury-faq/changes. 1 page.
World-Wide-Web users will find this available as hypertext:
(Dan Wallach's page) http://www.cs.princeton.edu/grad/Dan_Wallach/top.html
This file details changes to the soda.berkeley.edu archive and summarizes
what's new in the various FAQ (frequently asked questions) documents.
This will be posted monthly, along with the full FAQ to the various net
groups. The various mailing lists will either receive the full FAQ
every month, or every third month, but will always get this file, once
per month. Phew!
Changes to the Typing Injuries FAQ and soda.berkeley.edu archive, this month
new picture: mykey.gif -- replaces mikey1.gif and mikey2.gif -- This is
the ErgonomiXX MyKey keyboard, which was called the MIKey when I first
heard about it, two years ago.
updated info on IN3 Voice Command and IN3 Pro (speech recognition
products for Sun and MS Windows)
Worktime Workout -- a free demo version of this "exercise" software should
be available from ftp.cica.indiana.edu. I haven't been able to log in
there because of a maximum user limit, so here's what Nancy Parsons,
one of the authors says:
I uploaded the files wwdemo.txt and wwdemo.exe (a self-extracting archive)
to ftp.cica.indiana.edu:/pub/pc/win3/uploads
So, they're in there, somewhere.
new file: amt.references -- a bibliography of references concerning
adverse mechanical tension and related information.
new pictures: Grahl chairs are some of the nicest (and most expensive)
ergonomic chairs. Thanks to Paul Benati, two pictures of these chairs
(E2H_Grahl.gif and E_Grahl.gif) are in the gifs directory.
new pricing on DragonDictate voice recognition systems
total rewrite of the "Publications, mailing lists, newsgroups, etc." section,
including lots of URL's (universal resource locators -- strings you can
feed to Mosaic)
new info: Kinesis is now selling a converter box which connects PC keyboards
to Macintoshes. It's brand new, so they haven't firmed up a price, yet.
Call 206-455-9220 for details.
new file: exotic-mice -- info about the MicroSpeed WinTrack Trackball
and the Honeywell Mouse.
If you'd like to receive a copy of the FAQ and you didn't find it in the
same place you found this document, you can either send e-mail to
dwallach@cs.princeton.edu, or you can anonymous ftp to
and have a look around the directory.
Dan Wallach "One of the most attractive features of a Connection
dwallach@cs.princeton.edu Machine is the array of blinking lights on the faces
Phone#: 609-452-8446 of its cabinet." -- CM Paris Ref. Manual, v6.0, p48.
(World-Wide-Web) http://www.cs.princeton.edu/grad/Dan_Wallach/top.html